How does technology lead to social isolation

How does technology lead to social isolation

Modern technology isolates us from social life Whether you want to be “available” to others, or not, it is a shift in one’s social awareness.

Technology to reduce social isolation and loneliness

If you have a social media account, for instance, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, etc. most of your conversations are mapped on those platforms and shared with others around you.

How does technology lead to social isolation
Social media isolation

In the past, I was more careful with what I shared with others, but that changed over time. One must be online as more than 50% of my friends are on the platform.

That said, an important tool to be socially conscious is your smartphone. Also, the picture you take on the “one click” photo filters could be another factor here.

In this nutshell, the social platforms are talking the social language, and those digital cues influence the nature of what you share.

One cannot escape the labels and terms used to describe people in our daily lives. We are constantly surrounded by society that determines what we must do, who we must speak to, who we must meet.

While humankind is a free race and unique as all other species, the other primates, for instance, have been harmed by social media for centuries.

The human species is highly vulnerable to millions of year-old trauma from the genetic diseases discovered today in their genes.

That is what affords us the opportunity to learn of our inner and outer dangers.

As such, a digital connection between the outer and the soul and between technology and our society is a unique form of convergence.

When the dominant force of technology tries to create a change for humanity, and applies a critical examination of its profound adverse effects to the present state of humanity, we can now make progress.

But what is your mission?

Now there are two types of high tech corporations —

the virtual company that specialized in a niche of technology (one particular AI — or a medical device, for example)

the physical company that believes in a non-virtual organization (such as Apple, Google, Tesla, etc.)

Here is one more question, which will involve technology as discussed above.

Social relationship
Social relation

Who do you want to have a social relationship with?

Your own self?

Your company?

Your country?

Your government?

Your company?

Your president?

Your business?

Your corporation?

Your boss?

Your coworkers?

What your chosen way is?

The same applies to someone outside society as well — a parent, child, peer group, boss, student group, organization — they all need more connectivity than many online connections, or merely a broad amount of those connections.

However, if you are into blogging, social media, be attentive to the companies outside of your circle to learn about their secrets.

Keep in touch with influential corporations, so they will not influence your social choices or your decisions.

Conscious people who have systems in place to allow their social circles to freely grow and thrive do so because they care about others.

On the same note, any corporation that motivates their corporation to profit from profits above everyone else does so because they care about the human — the greater good.

And what about artists, creative folks?

 Maybe they are happier with you, the consumer, because they don’t just require a immediate audience.

Identify the social connection you need to strengthen your business.

What business you need to reinvent (to grow by doing one thing better, faster, and cost-effectively)?

Are there particular business activities that allow you to build out a social network and grow organically in that network?

To conclude

By no means is it the best way to function as a human being — to promote other people or yourself.

But the world, as we know it, depends on it — globally, the conventional politicians, authority figures, technology conglomerates, social scientists, etc. — have been seeking, mainly, to control what we do.

That is why there is a new revolution happening: a revolution that goes from the outside of our faceless social machines and technology, to the inside.

It is time for the breaking free of the system that has been designed to restrain not only our body, mind, ego, humanity, education, work, family, but more importantly our social consciousness and the exploration of creative and innovative solutions to humankind’s longevity crises.

What, therefore, is the social institution that you want to create, and for what reason?

How does technology lead to social isolation?

We are social creatures, creatures with an innate need to keep an eye on people around us as opposed to keeping an eye on robots. 

So how do we keep the humans apart? Well, I don’t think technology is all bad as it brought us many amazing things. 

For instance, in American society there are many technologies making life easier and modernizing the society, however one area we have to worry about is the social aspect.

 Technology is so far already done to a level that we are not aware of.

 From drones, such as the ones used to help hurricane victims, I believe that these drones should be made more practical and implemented into our society.

 I have a personal interest in this area of technology. There are so many things that drones could do for our society.

Drones are becoming a better tool for Disaster Prevention

Drones will help organization such as the California Emergency Services Agency in their disaster preparedness process. 

I think that by having robots that can automatically gather data from the sky will have a positive impact on the life of individuals in disaster prone areas.

 What are some of the positive ways in which this technology could improve lives in society?

Social media facts

With the concept of drone spotting, this technology will allow people to “see” ahead of time if there are potential storms or any other natural disasters that could harm people. Giving people time to begin to prepare.

 This would also allow people to use drones to locate their supplies that could be at their door if they need to do some digging. This is a preventive technique to hurricane season.

If drones became more widespread, they could also be used to study the corona virus

 Unfortunately, if there are people who see these drones flying and are close by (the drone wasn’t nearby and could only fly at a low altitude of 400 to 500 meters)

there is a chance that these drones could cause someone to get infected. This is not a big issue because we only usually see the drones fly at a high altitude of 500 to 1,000 meters. 

But, it does give us another option to study and understand things.

Cooperation with local emergency services

We can also use this technology for studying disaster planning and management. 

People could set these drones up in outdoor areas to help assess and locate damage. 

These drones should be used in the presence of authorities or people experiencing damage, so that first responders can quickly respond. 

This would also be a different way to study something that is of special importance and could affect lives.

Not only disaster prevention, drones could also be used to monitor and study the status of flying space. 

Once a drone gets to a higher elevation of 500 to 1,000 meters, the probability of some kind of space emergency starts to increase. 

For example, if a drone flies 1000 meters from some satellite dish and goes out of contact with the satellite, there is a greater chance of the camera of the drone being disrupted and lessening the reliability of the collected data. 

This sounds like a major problem, but in an emergency situation you might need a cheaper alternative that helps with the technology that is at risk of affecting the safety of others.

The future of drone misuse

As the drones are still not a widely researched technology, the use is completely right up until now, such as drone spotting. 

As we let our society know how useful drones are, that could lead to an increase in drone usage.

Not long, I will be releasing my personal view on how drones can help our society. 

I believe that by opening a door to discussion and data collection, this will not only improve the lives of humans but also improved the lives of our wildlife. 

I hope that on a global scale the use of drones is made much more realized.


In this article I tried to give your searching related this - Modern technology isolates us from social life, Does technology upgrades everyday, Technological advancement 500 years from now. 

I try to my best for this topic if you have any quary you can write down in the comment box. 

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